We Do our own Smart Designing, installation for all kinds of ICT infrastructure, Ethernet, related ELV Conduits/Pipes , during the most key important pre-construction phase .

ICT Conduit /Pipe Design And Installation While Laying Slab Of Any Construction Will Be Done Once In A Life Time Of Any Building And This Task Should Be Performed With Outmost Care , Smartest Precision.

So This Pre- Construction Service Plays A Key Role And Should Be Done By The Same Technicians Who Deal With ICT Infrastructure Post Installation Of The Pipes, but unfortunately this is not implemented bylot of contractors in the market .

Durability Of Any ICT Infrastructure /Cable Is Directly Dependent On The Conduit Design Done In Slab

Our Best Experienced Technicians Will Execute This Most Important Phase In Such A Way That our clients will not fall in the re-construction (making -breaking) loop.

Avoid Less Experienced Technicians/Contractors during this phase of your construction because in most cases Lot of Time And Money gets wasted lack of proper experience during this key pre-construction phase